Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Web 2 Style

Nowadays, most of the IT people (Marketing Managers/Project Managers/ Developers etc) talking about "Web 2" style. They think its as a design "template" and a must .
But as a designer, my perspective is "Web 2" style is just another "Trend" in web and graphics, where people trying to merge thier psyco.
Nobody can limit or give guidelines to a design.
so desginers please feel free to breakthrough, go wild in your design aspirations!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Waiting for the light...!

I have had serveral sightings of a un identified flying object, over a abandoned cultivation land since 2006. Glittering Orangish lite is moving slowly about 100m from the ground. It keeps moving and stops here n there. One day i waved to it. IT GOT DISAPEARED!
Hey...come back...i'm waiting for u!